Time to get away again - so we headed inland to the Warrumbungles NP near Coonabarabran. It's in an old shield volcano and has fabulous rock formations such as the breadknife and split rock - and famously clear night skies - the Siding Springs observatory is nearby.
No stargazing when we arrived at the campsite - it bucketed down rain while we set up the awning and found some wine and cheese, but after the storm we were treated to a bright pink sunset and a visit from some of the local kangaroos.
Saturday morning was misty but soon cleared to a spectacular day for walking - everything sparkled in the sun and plenty of recent rains have meant that there's masses of wildflowers on display. We walked the Gould's circuit track instead of the steeper Grand Tops track, but still had a fabulous 360 degree view from the top of Macha Tor.
Disturbed a small lace monitor near the summit, he climbed a tree and checked us out from a safe height - then saw his 'big brother' at the end of the track - who wasn't worried about us at all and wandered off at his own pace.
Also found a spectacular little spider orchid on a steep bank beside the track, definitely made the trek to the top worthwhile.
After lunch we decided on an easy walk up Burbie Canyon. There's plenty of water in the often dry creek bed - sighting a sacred kingfisher in the trees above the water was special, though there are plenty of birds to find - wrens, honeyeaters, silvereyes, tree creepers, currawongs, magpies, kookaburras, mynas and the very loud and cute rufous whistler.
It rained overnight and the ground was already very soft, so we needed some help from a friendly 4WD owner to get the Fiat out of the mud in the morning... the rain wasn't clearing, so we started on the drive home, hoping for some short walks on the way.
White Gum lookout had a sealed track, easy walking in the rain and a surprisingly clear view across the landscape at the end. Came home via Coolah and Merriwa, still wet but a good weekend anyway. Didn't count on next door's dog taking a liking to - and taking one of my Italian leather hiking boots as they were drying in the shed - hope that he's dropped it nearby and not chewed it to pieces...